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WhoCode's Blog

 It’s the new year and I’ve started a new job, marking the end of working from home.
 The performance test results of the webpage are terrible. I may need to find some time to optimize it.
 Finally, I done the online chat and invoice management on ‘ManagePro’. From today on, I will spend more time on enriching the blog content.
 The last piece of the puzzle, the About Page, is finally done. I had been unsure about the style for a long time, but after referencing a few examples, I finally made the decision.
 Today marks the release of the very first blog post on this site 🎉🎉
 The cold weather has cooled down my coding motivation recently...btw, my focus is now back on updating 'ManagePro'.
 After 20 days and over more than 100 commits, the first version is finally complete. There some plan postponed, im looking forward to launching it soon.